Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jaris's Letter of Recommendation

Name: Jaris
Age at Ascension: 32
Race: Asmodian
Class: Chanter
Speciality: Alchemist

Born into an esteemed family boasting the proud name of Vanahal, Jaris's past pre-Ascension was easily tracked, due to the noble's disposition to reside within the walls of Pandaemonium. His family had the money and means to give him a full education and the library, as well as the regal mansions gracing the Vanahal district where he spent the majority of his early life, remain his most frequent haunts to this day.

As a child Jaris was the eldest of his three siblings, a younger brother and his sister, the youngest. All three grew up never wanting and received the highest schooling, leaving him well versed in Atreia's history, writing, and the arts. When he was older he began showing interest in the noble craft of alchemy, and his parents apprenticed him to the renowned Honir where he received the best tutelage. However, despite even his teacher's finest training, Jaris's knowledge remained limited by his reliance on merchants and shugo traders for herbs and medicines for his potions. Never once trained in any area of combat, it was rare for him to venture far beyond Pandaemonium's walls, and only on a few very rare occasions was he spotted in Altgard.

When not poring over his books and tomes, or experimenting with different alchemical ingredients under his tutor's watchful eyes, Jaris was usually attending balls and banquets with other Vanahal, or leaving the estates of young, beautiful noble daughters afterwards. Rumors began stirring about his nightly behavior, whispered predominantly between the ladies of the Vanahal court. By his mid-twenties fathers of rich, noble daughters were wary of him, but his confident, suave temperament was disarming, and nothing arose of his rumored actions until a few years later.

At thirty-two years Jaris had build himself a solid reputation as a capable alchemist and supported the war efforts mixing healing elixirs for Asmodian Daevas. Supportive, decisive, and a little proud, it was naturally assumed he would be the successor of his family's estate in the event of his parents' death. However, one night in the bed of a wild young noblesse threw his world upside down. True to his reputation, Jaris had her writhing in the throes of passion, but she vocalized to loudly and alerted her father, whom we can only presume arrived home unexpectedly after a day out. In a desperate attempt to save the face of his family and avoid the repercussions of being discovered and identified, the panicked noble had no other option than to spring from the noblesse's open window. The drop from her balcony to the streets of the noble district would have been fatal, or at the very least broken most of the bones in his body, but the noble never hit the ground. Instead he found himself beating the air with a pair of large, raven wings.

Unlike some Vanahal families with Daevas in their bloodlines, Jaris's family was conventional, and upon discovering his Ascension they regarded him as a tool of Aion. While they were proud one of their own would be defending Asmodae from the scourge of the Elyos, Jaris didn't share their view and regarded his Ascension as the moment the life he enjoyed was destroyed. His family's titles were stripped from him, and instead his younger brother inherited his family's wealth. Despite his wishes against it, his family reported his Ascension to draft him into a Legion, and as a result Jaris parted on bad terms.

He has not taken kindly to his Ascension, and it is with grudging remorse that he joins your ranks, Brigade General Bix. Bitter, proud, and stubborn, he is very inexperienced in warfare and has never weilded a weapon before, but I trust this is an obstacle you can remedy. Heavy swords and shields may be beyond his capability to weild, as he does not have the build of a seasoned fighter. However, his knowledge of potions and healing herbs may aid you and your growing Legion, and we tast you with aiding his development into a capable priest.

Vidar, Governor of Pandaemonium

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