Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Creative Entry #8: A Daeva's Duty - Response

My latest creative entry found here: was a piece of "fanfiction" for the game 'Aion' that I so regularly rave about. Though my creative element is most definitey drawing and graphic comics and the like, I frequently find myself itching to write something creative, but usually no opportunities present themselves, and trying to sit myself down and force something onto the page gets me nowhere.

Well, short of very frustrated.

'A Daeva's Duty' was actually written about a week ago in response of a bit of roleplay that happened. My character, Jaris, was finally punished for something he had done a good few weeks before. Some friends of ours who had quit the game in January came back unexpectedly, one of them being Gheist, the Centurion of our Legion in the game. He harbors no favoritism for my character, and saw to it that Jaris did time ... accompanied by him, no less. Due to the fact that in-game there is no way to scale the volcano known as Mount Musphel (not to the very top, anyway) I decided to write this up instead, to fill the gap where we couldn't roleplay. Of course I got Gheist's permission to use his character, and also to upload it. In fact, Gheist's funny accent was written by his player himself, and he rewrote my original dialogue for his character to better suit how he's to be played.

Gheist is another example of a character inspired by someone already existing: he sounds very much like Arnold Swarchenegger, only .... much more terrifying.

Needless to say I was glad to finally get this story out of my system, and I wish I had more inspiration for such things, to be honest. Once again 'Aion' lends itself to my creative process, only this time I was able to use a different medium than drawing.


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